Bringing health and vitality to your workplace
With a variety to choose from including Vinyasa Flow, Slow Flow or Restorative Yin, classes provide the space for your employees to find strength, reconnect and restore.
Your team will be guided, and learn techniques, to regulate their nervous system into a rested state, helping to focus the mind, ease overwhelm and avoid burnout.
Stop, drop and melt into a state of complete bliss. The class you didn’t know you needed, till you came to sound bowl meditation.
Universal Life Force Energy and a holistic energy healing art founded in Japan by Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui in the late 19th Century. Sessions can range from 15min - 2hours allowing blocks in the energy body to be released.
In light of research it’s seen that when employees feel their employer is concerned about their mental and emotional health, they are:
71% less likely to experience burnout
69% less likely to actively look for a new job
3x more likely to be engaged at work
5x more likely to strongly recommend their company as a place to work and to strongly agree they trust their organization's leadership.
Overall a positive impact is rippled through the workplace environment providing satisfied employees equalling happy customers and better business outcomes.
Benefits for workplaces
Benefits for employees
Decreased stress and anxiety
Awareness of reaction vs response
Improved sleep quality
Improves connection to self and others
Improved energy levels
Increased levels of compassion
Reduced levels of judgement
Improved strength, balance and flexibility
Let’s work together
Corporate clients we’ve had the pleasure to work with.